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The End of the Road

Butterfly Ensconced

Butterfly Ensconced

Hollyhock and Bee

Dew Dropped Pansy

Dew Dropped Pansy

The Thyme Walk

The Thyme Walke

Unfurling Peony

ANTS de FLEUR. My PhotogBlog. I plan to post whatever I’m photographing at the moment. If there’s a thought to match the photo, I’ll add that too. Today I’m thinking about ants. (Thought it was going to be peonies, didn’t you?) They, these ants, seem to be crisscrossing this veiny terrestrial globe, what? I don’t dismiss the ant as having no other purpose than to annoy the peony (or me). I set off on the great global ball of internet misinformation, searching to weed out the myth and learn the ant facts. It seems their busy traversing is simply a means of collecting sweet nectar exuded by these buds and along the way they benefit the lovely peony by eating other bugs that destroy it.—————————————————-Yesterday I brought in a handful of these for the table, ants mostly gone since the buds had opened. It scented the kitchen with summer, spurring me to make a summertime favorite – cucumber salad. A jar or dish of this seemed to be ever present in the Fridgidaire when I was growing up, as well as in my southern grandmother’s kitchen. These days when the first vidalia onions appear it’s time to thiny slice one along with a couple of thinly sliced cukes and clip a good bit of fresh dill into the mix. Soak it all with a 1/4 c of vinegar and a few Tbs of sugar, good grind of pepper and salt. I like mine sweeter than tangy so I taste and adjust until it’s right. Cool and delicious just like it is or added to a tossed salad for extra punch. Lunch today was cream cheese on toast topped with a few crispy bacon slices and, that’s right, a layer of cucumber salad. Tasted like Benedictine and Bacon sandwiches from the Orchid Room in the old Stewart’s department store downtown Louisville – but that’s another story, another recipe, another day.

Ants de Fleur